Monday, 23 April 2012

Planting up and making bird scarers

 Week two on the kid's garden. Despite rain the was a gang of us, dodging showers and coppicing hazel for the magic beans to grow up. Planting seeds and seedlings and painting some stones to decorate our patch. Check out the great strawberry planter we filled, made by David, a local resident and our silvery crow scarers made guessed it! TETRA PAKs.
Lauren pushing the hazel supports in for the beans to grow up
Cornflowers, love-in-the-mist within the stones and calendula seedlings planted

All done for today
 Join us next Sunday to pot up some flowers to sell at the garden party on 20th May and make a scarecrow for our patch.

Preparing the soil and finding friends

 We had a great turn out for the first session to turn over and prepare the soil for planting. We also potted up a runner bean and a sunflower seed to grow at home. We made pots from tetra paks and loo roll inners. for more images and up dates on the project go to Kid's corner on facebook

Look at the size of this worm we discovered!